I will never forget the day Verla told me she wanted to leave a legacy, an inheritance, to her family.   She said she was sorry that she hadn’t been around for every birthday and holiday, and couldn't promise she would in the future, but she was determined to make every visit count and be present in our lives.  She said she would make an appearance when she could.  She would call often and be here when we need her, either in person or in prayer.   

From that day on, my eyes were open to a new way of thinking.  Could it be possible to give all that you are, every day, without some event or reason?  Now as I sit here looking back on the last 25 years of my life (the years Verla was present), I am convinced that it is absolutely possible.

At her celebration service on Saturday, we were all asked to share a memory we had of her.  A rush of memories came to me.  How could I choose just one to envelop all that she was to me?  What one memory would honor her and leave an imprint for all those listening?  What inheritance did she share with me, that she would want me to share with others?  If she could only have been present at the celebration we had for her.  I am sure I was not the only one who was struggling to come up with just one thing, I had a book of memories, not just one single moment that stood out.  I feel special to have known someone who lived such a loving, giving life, that left memories too numerous to count.  I am lucky to have been loved by her.  It’s like a whole package weaved in and out of the rough and tough moments of life and the mountain top victories. 

She was there for many of the most memorable moments of my life.  When she was not there, I know she was on her knees, in prayer.  I have no doubt that our family has the legacy of faith that it has because she spent many hours praying for us, even before Dale and I met.  I know she spent hours intervening on our behalf in prayer.  I know she spoke boldly to the Devil as if he were standing right in front of her.  This bold faith often consisted of her telling Satan he better back off because God already had a plan and she believed it.  She taught me to be bold in my faith. I didn't know who God was, I couldn't even understand the capacity of His love (I don't think I will ever fully understand).  She never gave up on me.  She lived a life that made me question the existence of God.  She loved wholeheartedly, unconditionally, and without boundaries.  For every excuse or word of opposition I had, she responded in kindness and gentleness.  

During a time in which I was searching for my Earthly father, I remember specifically telling her that God would have to literally reveal his face to me in order for me to believe.  I was confused by what I had learned in the few times I attended church.  Finally, she told me to pray boldly, then, that He would show up in a big way.  She prayed He would reveal His power and presence in my life.  In her prayer, I remember thinking she was talking to an actual physical being.  Like a best friend, she thanked him for his presence in our lives and asked Him boldly to reveal himself to me.  She talked to Him like they had already had similar conversations and didn't hesitate to ask such a bold request.  I had known Verla for 12 years and I felt a sense of peace and comfort overwhelm me.  I was afraid that he would actually show himself in person.  
Within that week, our daughter faced a very scary incident where her inner ear was ripped open.  Bacteria had been introduced and there was inflammation and infection setting in.  We were told she needed to be put out so they could clean it and repair the tear.  It would require surgery.  The night before the procedure, our neighbor came over and prayed over our daughter.  She walked away telling me our daughter was healed and that God would show me His face.  It was a bit awkward that she used those words since I had said something similar to Verla.  Neither of them knew each other at that time, so it must have been coincidence (silly me).  Sitting in the doctor’s office as they began to prep her for surgery, the nurses joked that I must be nervous because the ear I said was infected was fine.  They joked again after looking in the other ear, saying I brought the wrong child.  Then, after several inspections by several staff members, I was told to go home.  Our daughter's ears looked like a newborns ears.  They were perfectly formed and clear of any infection or inflammation.  There was NO WAY this was the same child.  
Being the stubborn person I am, it took me a 35 mile drive back home to realize that God had truly revealed himself to me that day.  Maybe not His face exactly (I probably would have died if that really happened).  He showed me that He used my neighbor, Verla, and the staff that double and triple checked the charts.  He was real.  She was healed because He wanted to prove Himself to me.  I don't have an answer why.  I wish everyone could experience supernatural healing for loved ones.  Believe me, I prayed that He would do us a favor and heal Verla so she could prove to everyone He does exist.  Funny thing is, she already had proven His love and existence to those around her.  He wanted to give her a better retirement then this Earth ever could. 
Do I know what she is doing right now?  No way!  I am pretty sure that none of us can fully grasp what is to come.  I know that we can have a relationship with God before we breathe our last breath.  If you knew Verla, you have already experienced God.  My girls always say, God is love, so if you love or are loved, then you are with God.  What a beautiful gift she gave us all; a legacy, and inheritance of His love.  So be bold, love others, and make sure everyone you know has the chance to experience love.  This would honor a life lived too short here on Earth, it would honor my Mother in Law, Verla Jean Koehn Collver. 
See you later, mom, say hi to our Father who is in Heaven.  Can't wait to meet him some day.
In His Service,

Please enjoy a video I created to honor Verla.  Click Here


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