
Lanai, Hawaii
It has been two years since we visited Lanai. A lot remains the same, but some things have changed. This time we went with our friends, the Obregon's. It was a blast. We arrived Thursday night, hardly had anytime to do anything productive, but it is vacation, right!! We heated up some Chicken Chili that we froze and brought along with us from home and settled in for the night. Friday,we headed down to the beach. Our goal was to get tan. After several hours and a snorkeling adventure, we were burnt to a crisp. SO why not head to the other side of the island on a rocky path and sticky leather seats? About an hour later we arrived at the beach. The entire island is less that 15 miles across! We spent a while looking for treasures and decided that the storm coming in was not going to make travel easy and that our burnt skin needed shade. We headed down another rocky road where we saw a herd of sheep and an owl. This road was harder to travel than the other and we finally made it down to a shipwreck and a fishing hang out. The storm was closer and we were tired, so we headed home. It was fun racing the storm home. Especially since we needed to get out of the red dirt that turns to slick mud. The best meal ever, tri tip was served by Gil and Dale and we enjoyed every bite. The rest of the week was a bit of a blur. Saturday we hung out, went shopping downtown (about 10 shops total) Sunday we hung out at the house while the guys went to church. They came back with the 4 wheelers which promised that our week was going to be full of adventure. Which it was. Gil got sick that night so Dale took the trail by himself. We went to the beach on Monday. Enjoyed the time to just hang out. It was a bit windy, but we enjoyed. On Tuesday, we hung out a bit, went driving around the side of the island and Gil taught me how to drive the 4 wheelers. It was great fun. We found ourselves racing back to the house to escape the incoming storm while the guys decided to live on the wild side and ride up the hill on a road traveled by very few. Wednesday, Donna and I walked about 5 miles on the Munro Trail which runs the spine, or middle, of the island. It was a lot of walking. We went up and down steep paths and we saw how little the island really was. The view was great, we saw all 5 islands from the top. The guys rode in on the 4 wheelers to rescue us (we bit off more than we could chew) We should have taken more breaks. It usually takes 6-8 hours to do the entire 12.8 mile path. We did 5 miles in less than 2 hours. When we got home, we took it easy for a bit then headed to another part of the island we had not seen before. It was the ancient fishing grounds. Another trip on a rocky drive, the guys loved it, the 4 wheelers where well used. Donna started feeling ill, so we took it easy. Gil and I hiked down to the tide pools and old fishing holes and walked around. Beautiful views. We headed back home and Donna decided to rest, most likely had a bit of dehydration going on. We headed down to the beach to enjoy a beautiful sunset and then met up with friends, Chad and Crystal. They made us an amazing meal of rice, fish and beef. Yum Yum. On Thursday, we cleaned up and got ready to leave, just when we were starting to feel settled in. The entire island ran out of power for a bit, which got me a bit excited that we might just have to stay longer. But, then it was back on. We had the most amazing dinner before we left. It was an amazing time. Hey, we got our base burn on, so now, we'll be sporting funky tan lines all summer.