August 2009

August 2009
Photo: This is the group of kids that came with us to the camp this year. Not the entire youth group, but a majority. Hayley is in the front row, far right. See if you can find Dale, Hannah and me.
Dale, Hayley, Hannah, and I headed to Camp Tadmor the first week of August. Hayden stayed in McMinnville to participate in music camp. She later met up with us in Medford with Grandma and Grandpa (they had AMAZING blueberry pancakes that Hayden talks about often). Hannah enjoyed her first year of camp with me in a Hotel-like room. Hayley ended up getting a high fever and spent most of her time in the Nurses station. After camp, We headed home, then to Medford for Holli‘s(Dale's cousin)wedding. We celebrated Dale’s birthday at the beach. The last week of Summer, we had the Kloninger's girls for the week. We went Tangleboxing, painted our picnic bench and went to Ice-cream at DQ. We ended the summer with a great Labor Day weekend at the coast. It was dry and sunny while we took Photos for our Annual Beach Photos. It rained the rest of the time. We finally finished all the work on the house from the flood. When it was all said and done, we had replaced the flooring in the kitchen, living room, dining room, hallway, main bathroom and our bedroom. We also repainted all the rooms and found that we had mold in our bedroom flooring. A few friends joked that God is in the business of floods and he was just finding a quick way to bless us with new flooring. Whatever happened, we are so blessed and feel like we are walking in a new home each time we come in.