September 2009

September 2009
Photo: Roxy's very first paw prints in the sand.

Hayden started Kindergarten this Fall. She is in the Spanish Immersion Program at her school. She will be fluent in both languages by 5th grade. She loves it. Hayley started Middle School. Hannah started the 3rd grade. We took Roxy to the beach for the first time. She had a ball. I found out that I still had pneumonia and started 2 more antibiotics. I also stopped babysitting. This was harder than I thought it would be. I got pretty attached to those two little ones. I began to put more time into the photography business while the girls were in school and got a schedule down. Our puppy, Roxy, turned one year old. We celebrated with a hot dog dinner. My friend, Sam, won tickets to the Casting Crowns concert and invited Hayley and I to come along with her and Sabrina, her daughter. We had an amazing time, just us girls.


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