Our Top 10's in 2010

Top 10 Happennings
1- Hayden graduated Kindergarten Spanish Emersion Class
2- Hayden bacame a Christ Follower
3- Hayden learned to ride her bike right before turning 6
4- Hannah joined the choir and had many successful performances
5- Hannah worked hard and raised all the money for Camp Tadmor. She went for the first time as a camper and LOVED it!!
6- Hannah passed the survival swim class and turned 9 years old, she earned Student of the month for friendship.
7- Hayley made it on the honor roll her first year in Middle School
8- Hayley earned a cell phone for her 13th birthday by achieving straight A's in all subjects while playing on the Volleyball team.
9- Heather helped kids raise over $9,000 to go to camp, then went to camp Tadmor as a counselor one week and as a camp mom another week. She also started a new part-time job away from home.
10- Dale got a taste of extreme stunt driving in the Urban Assault Vehicle. (a.k.a. our mini van)

Top 10 things we did on Summer Vacation
1- went to the beach (you'll find us there when we have a chance to get away)
2- went to Camp Tadmor (yeah, it's just plain fun!)
3- went on Hood River train ride (a snapshot of Oregon's beauty in a day trip)
4- went on hikes (a few hours or a whole day, can't beat the great outdoors)
5- went bike riding
6- went to Oaks Park (a whole day of fun and it won't break the bank)
7- wentcamping for the 4th of July with friends
8- had barbeques, visited with friends
9- slept in every day we got a chance for as long as possible
10- went on a crazy road trip to Reno, Yosemite, San Dimas, California Adventure, Golden Gate Bridge, Jelly Belly Factory, Redwoods, then back home. In just 11 days with a van full of kids and grandma.

Top 10 things we learned on our summer road trip
1- The required adjustable tour hat at the Jelly Belly Factory was not big enough for Heather's hair.
2- Just because we planned to see the Golden Gate Bridge doesn't mean it was visible in the dense fog that only one could expect in the middle of August (REALLY??)
3- Our Urban Assault Vehicle can survive a curb jump at 75 mph. (Daaaaaaaaalllle!!!)
4- In order to drive-thru the tree in the Redwood forest you must take off the overloaded black bullet (a.k.a. luggage rack)from the top of your Urban Assault Vehicle. (Oh, well, it was cool to see everyone else drive-thru)
5- "if you touch it, you might break it, then you'll have to buy it" is good advice, even for adults (Heather!)
6- You don't even have to leave your hometown, if you have a hotel with a pool and free hot breakfast, the kids think they are in heaven.
7- Llamas are really jealous animals. They are really agressive too. When they come up to you and start pushing you.... PUSH BACK!!!!!
8- Getting a spanking can turn out to be a blessing. (Hayley's own words)
9- Don't let the kids be the first to go into a public restroom in the middle of no where, miles away from nothing. The field across the street that their sister peed in was much safer.
10- If you travel to Yosemite to see wild animals in their natural environment, that doesn't really mean you will actually view any wild animals. Unless you call two lizards on a rock wildlife, in that case, we could have gone to PetSmart.

Hope you enjoyed our Top 10's.


Angela said…
Thank you for sharing your top 10's and family perspectives with us. We love and miss you very much. May have to dig out a video Ted made when you guys visited Iowa. Remember the snow? Well, he has some video that is pretty darn hillarious.

We hope your home is blessed this holiday season. Not only with the gifts the season brings but with a Father's Love that came in the gift of grace.

Love you all very much,
Angela (and Stolpe family)

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