2011 Annual Holiday Letter

2011 Annual Holiday Letter (unedited) As we close this year of many blessings, beginnings and adventures, we look forward to the celebration of the birth of the Son who came to bring us Hope, to show us Love and give us the ultimate gift of Eternity. As I write this letter, my dear grandmother has hours before she passes from this temporary life and on to one that has no pain or tears. Hannah will be baptized in less than 5 hours, to celebrate her new life in Christ. I could write a book about the life lessons that Hannah has taught us. This letter is written with a raw form of emotion and will not be edited the normal 10-12 times before I post it. We are in a transition of celebrating life, a life soon to pass, and a life that gives us a hope and a promise that we humbly unwrap only by the grace of God. So, we recap this year, which started off with camp fundraising in full gear. Although it consumes a greater part of my life for 6 months, it is worth it when we tally the funds raised to offer an opportunity to those that would never have it. During Spring Break, we threw an All Night party for 80+ Middle School students and then attended a youth conference with a great group of students. Hannah worked tirelessly to create what she calls “the most amazing Science Fair Project ever”. Apparently she impressed the judges and was sent on to the Science Expo at the Evergreen Aviation Museum. It was such an amazing achievement for her. The best part of all was having the Expo on her birthday. Days later, my grandmother, two friends, and I, traveled to Hawaii to check off a few things from grandma’s “bucket list”. We had a great time celebrating Mother’s Day on the warm, sandy beaches. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures we endeavored, even if we got lost hiking… It was such a blessing as grandma’s health quickly declined after the trip and she was no longer able to travel. In June, we piled 60 students in vehicles and headed to the new Wings and Waves Water Park in McMinnville. We were happy to return with most all the students we left with… Shortly after that, Dale and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary with a “tour de Portland” package that we created ourselves. The package included dinner at Wing Stop, a movie and dessert at Papa Haydn’s. Truly the most amazing dessert experience I have ever had. (yeah, I secretly wish I was THE Cake Boss). The School year came to an end with Hannah leaving for Summer camp. We enjoyed another amazing campout with friends at Detroit Lake to kick off the start of our very short summer. Grandma started Hospice care at the beginning of July, ending 2 years of Chemo and Radiation treatments. Hayden turned 7 with a classic Hawaiian party at the park. During a family BBQ in late July, we all quickly realized how fragile Grandma’s condition was and I stepped in to coordinate care for her as I juggled work and visits and Dale juggled work and caring for the girls. For vacation, we all went to Camp Tadmor for a week (along with 70 other students). Grandma’s cousin, Barbara, came to care for her to give me a break so I could go. I was blessed by my cabin girls and co-leader more than I could have ever planned for. Coming home, we were met by the crew who were repairing our house and days later the repairs were finished and a new coat of paint applied. Hayley attended Volleyball camp at Western Mennonite and Hayden attended Soccer camp. Grandma had a short time where she felt well enough to get out of the house and joined us to celebrate Grandpa Dale’s Wedding to his beautiful bride, Joy. Towards the end of August, we enjoyed a short visit from my sister, Angela, who traveled from TN to run the Hood to Coast. Shawna and Noel were able to come and visit with us at grandma’s. We started a 1000 piece puzzle at 3 PM. Twelve hours and many, many, words later, we finally finished the puzzle. Before we knew it, our family was sitting on the beach during our Annual Coast Photo Days over Labor Day weekend, talking about the school week ahead of us. What happened to the Summer? Hayley was selected to be an Ambassador for the Church On The Hill to return in 50 years to unearth a time capsule. We celebrated 100 years as a church with a concert, Hill Fest. Just weeks after the girls started 8th, 5th and 2nd grade along with their sports schedules, I was informed that I would be laid off at the beginning of October, which turned out to be a blessing so I could better care for my grandma. I had more time to attend activities for the girls as well. Hayden got her Soccer game on, showing us how well she had improved through the summer. Hayley played Volleyball very well, showing skill and confidence on the court. We had a bit of a set back when she shoved into a wall with her hand and almost damaged her growth plate. Throughout the year, Hayley developed an ear infection that just hasn’t been able to clear up. We are in the process of educating ourselves on tubes for her ears. In late September, I was blessed with a weekend getaway to the beach with my girlfriends to refresh my spirit. We were off and running quickly into the month of October. Dale went to San Diego for a Youth Workers Convention and short visit with our “family”, the Mora’s, just days before their beautiful miracle, Sophia, was born (I can’t forget to mention that just barely 10 months earlier, the Mora’s also welcomed Gabriel into this world, which was also an incredible miracle). Grandma’s cousin, Barbara (aka, an angel in disguise), came to give me a reprieve once again. Before she returned to Nevada, we gathered family for a huge buffet and photos at grandma’s. We made such an amazing spread of food, which included all of grandma’s (and most of our) favorite foods. Days flew by so fast that we were in November, hosting our 14th Annual Family Portrait Extravaganza and planning for Hayley’s 14th birthday before I had a chance to catch my breath. Hayley celebrated her birthday in style, with an old school party at Oaks Park Skate Rink in Portland. My favorite part was, of course, the cake decorating. We took a few days off to go over the mountain and see Dale’s parents and his brother, Robert, and kids for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed a visit with Holli, Brooklyn, and Bonnie as well. For Black Friday, we headed away from the retail madness into the wilderness of Oregon to spend much needed down time with our friends. Hannah made a part in the school play which we are excited to attend this next Tuesday. We have planned a Christmas Party for the youth on the 17th. The Stolpe’s will be here for 9 days over the school holiday. We are anxiously awaiting that visit. During that time, we are planning an 18th birthday party for my sister, McKayla, a day at the Water Park, a snowshoeing adventure and a celebration service for grandma. We will also celebrate my sister, Shawna’s pregnancy. She is due to deliver baby Alexis on grandma’s birthday, early February. We look forward to a new year. We look forward to many opportunities to connect with friends and family. New adventures and achievements are sure to come as well. In the Fall, Hannah will be starting Middle School and Hayley will be starting High School. So we are embarking on new beginnings. I can’t wait to get out into the yard this spring, enjoy the sun and listen to my girls giggle and laugh as they usually do when we are outdoors. It will not be easy to see them grieve the loss of a woman who has been so dear to them, a grandmother who nurtured them and loved them to the best of her abilities. I wish it were not so hard to celebrate the passing of a life from this Earth into Eternity, but fact is, we miss those we love. With a heavy heart, I want to tread lightly into the next days and weeks, so not to damage the delicate hearts of my girls as they remember and celebrate their great-grandma’s life. I know we can’t do it alone and am thankful for the love that so many people have poured into our lives this year. Friends and family that have come around us to encourage us and strengthen us, to show us love that has penetrated to our inner most beings and left an impression on our hearts that will last a lifetime. This Christmas Season, we’ll be celebrating the most important of all things, Christ’s Birth. Although we are not completely sure that he actually came into this world on December 25th, we know that the reason we place a living tree in our living room is to remind us that we serve a living God. We decorate it with lights to remind us that we have a life that can shine bright into a dark world. The ornaments remind us that there are blessings to celebrate in our lives because God has given us the days and abilities to experience them. We know that without Christ, we would have no Hope, and therefore, we celebrate His life and the sacrifice he has given so that we can have eternal life. We close this letter with prayers for blessings on you and your life this next year. May it be full of adventure and gifts that you could never even imagine. May you be healthy and find wealth and substance in your life. May you know the Hope that Jesus came to sacrifice His life for. Most of all, may you know that we, the Collver’s, are thankful for and praying for you today and throughout the year. Merry Christmas.


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