A Glimpse at 2015
2015 was a year of building our faith as a family. It started with us coming back to McMinnville from Baker City. God helped us to find the perfect jobs for Heather and I. We bought a house. This house is much smaller than the last 2 we lived in, but it is what we need at this time. Well, kind of. More on that later.
Heather I and I were invited to an Assemblies church on 3rd St. in McMinnville. The church looks like a dead church. We have been in McMinnville since 1997 and I never thought we would walk into this church to check it out. When we visited the church we found our new church family. The leadership team was loving and inviting. They walked with us through some difficult times. They cried with us in these times. We had custody of Noah and his sister Amelia for a few weeks and then they were taken away again. This crushed our family, but the church was there. I lost my mother Verla this summer, and our pastor who was on sabbatical, came all the way to Madras for the funeral!
I have been running the Sound and Computer Ministry at Praise Assembly this past year and soon I will be able to hand it off. Heather and I along with one of my High School youth workers from Church on the Hill, Ben VanDyke launched a young adult ministry this last September. This has been a fun and exciting ministry where our teens from years past are leader there peers in ministry every Saturday night. This January we are launching the youth ministry in our church! It is time to get back into the saddle again. I am working part time for a friend as the grounds and maintenance guy, and also doing some tool making. Learning EDM, Milling and CNC work. It has been a year of learning, loss, and love.
So, as for our house goes, our house is getting smaller. We now have had Noah for 2 months and Amelia for a month and a half. Hayley moved into the garage to make room and Hayden now has 2 cribs and a changing table in her room. They are a handful but they are so sweet. We are praying for God's will with them. We pray for their safety and their future.

Now, for more from the girls.
Hi, I'm Hannah Collver. This year has flown by so fast it. Feels like yesterday we left our new friends in Baker City. A lot has happened as well. I went to Hume Lake and when I was there I reconnected with some friends and it was awesome, I started high school at MHS, I went to winter formal, and I made a lot of new friends coming back to Mac. I also lost a few friends. This year has been stressful, sad, happy, lonely, and awesome. Yours sincerely Hannah Collver.
2015. My first thoughts are the bad things that have happened this year. Hi, I'm Hayden Collver. I could make a list of a hundred things bad that have happened this year. But, I can also make a list of some good things. This year was an adventure. We moved, got our cousins, went to camp, did fundraisers, moved again, went into Middle School, and got BRACES!!! We all have hard times but its good that we always have good times to make stuff better. I've had so many mixed emotions this year. But, I've realized I'm not alone. I have family and friends to keep me on my feet. I'm thankful for everyone and I hope 2016 will be the better year for everybody. So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Heather I and I were invited to an Assemblies church on 3rd St. in McMinnville. The church looks like a dead church. We have been in McMinnville since 1997 and I never thought we would walk into this church to check it out. When we visited the church we found our new church family. The leadership team was loving and inviting. They walked with us through some difficult times. They cried with us in these times. We had custody of Noah and his sister Amelia for a few weeks and then they were taken away again. This crushed our family, but the church was there. I lost my mother Verla this summer, and our pastor who was on sabbatical, came all the way to Madras for the funeral!
I have been running the Sound and Computer Ministry at Praise Assembly this past year and soon I will be able to hand it off. Heather and I along with one of my High School youth workers from Church on the Hill, Ben VanDyke launched a young adult ministry this last September. This has been a fun and exciting ministry where our teens from years past are leader there peers in ministry every Saturday night. This January we are launching the youth ministry in our church! It is time to get back into the saddle again. I am working part time for a friend as the grounds and maintenance guy, and also doing some tool making. Learning EDM, Milling and CNC work. It has been a year of learning, loss, and love.
So, as for our house goes, our house is getting smaller. We now have had Noah for 2 months and Amelia for a month and a half. Hayley moved into the garage to make room and Hayden now has 2 cribs and a changing table in her room. They are a handful but they are so sweet. We are praying for God's will with them. We pray for their safety and their future.

Now, for more from the girls.
Hi, I'm Hannah Collver. This year has flown by so fast it. Feels like yesterday we left our new friends in Baker City. A lot has happened as well. I went to Hume Lake and when I was there I reconnected with some friends and it was awesome, I started high school at MHS, I went to winter formal, and I made a lot of new friends coming back to Mac. I also lost a few friends. This year has been stressful, sad, happy, lonely, and awesome. Yours sincerely Hannah Collver.
2015. My first thoughts are the bad things that have happened this year. Hi, I'm Hayden Collver. I could make a list of a hundred things bad that have happened this year. But, I can also make a list of some good things. This year was an adventure. We moved, got our cousins, went to camp, did fundraisers, moved again, went into Middle School, and got BRACES!!! We all have hard times but its good that we always have good times to make stuff better. I've had so many mixed emotions this year. But, I've realized I'm not alone. I have family and friends to keep me on my feet. I'm thankful for everyone and I hope 2016 will be the better year for everybody. So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!